

Protestants 基本解释
新教徒(指16世纪脱离罗马天主教之基督教团体或后来由其形成的教派成员)( Protestant的名词复数 );
Protestants 网络解释


1. 新教徒:而15世纪法国战乱不断,国内分裂成两派宗教势力,在公元1562年到1598年之间,新教徒(Protestants)和天主教徒之间的争战不下八次之多,程度相当惨烈. 法国各大贵族为躲避战争浩劫,纷纷将贵重的珠宝、首饰以及麝香等珍贵物品封箱保存.

2. 新教:今天基督(新)教 (Protestants) 很不习惯从神人联合来看基督为我们成就的救赎. 「神人联合」影响了东正教的敬拜,他们的教堂和崇拜都给人一种说不出来的神秘感. 敬拜中的奥秘是必须的,可是必须用<<圣经>>来教导信徒奥秘的来源.

3. (抗议者):Protestantism (抗罗宗主义) | Protestants (抗议者) | Protestants (抗议者)

4. 新教徒|新教|抗议者:Protestants:新教徒|新教|抗议者 | TheProtestants:新教徒 | WhiteAnglo-SaxonProtestants:教徒

Protestants 单语例句

1. Protestants的意思

1. Leaders of China's Protestants said that the Church is experiencing rapid growth thanks to the central government's respect for religious freedom as a legal right.

2. Protestants的翻译

2. It was also insensitive to the religious affinity of the victims themselves, almost all Taiwan Aborigines who are nearly all Catholics and Protestants.

3. Protestants是什么意思

3. The nation has more than 200 Protestant churches, and the number of Catholics and Protestants has increased since 1949.

4. Vietnam was added in 2004 to the US blacklist for its repression of religious groups, mainly Protestants.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Most Protestants in Northern Ireland want to retain British rule over the province, while most Catholics want a united Ireland.

6. A state visit would have been unthinkable during the Troubles, the three decades of sectarian strife between Northern Ireland's Catholics and Protestants.

7. Protestants的翻译

7. He said Protestants would not trust Sinn Fein unless the IRA declared its violence was " a thing of the past " and ceased all activities.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. Some Bibles were given to Protestants in rural areas for free, he said.

9. Protestants threw fire bombs at a heavily fortified police base on the line between British Protestant and Irish Catholic turf in west Belfast.

10. The Protestants are negotiating with the government to reopen a third church in the capital.