

Qinghai 基本解释
Qinghai 网络解释


1. 青海:在短短两年时间里,公司先后组建了新疆石河子(SHIHEZI)开发区鸿博(HONGBO)公司,博湖鸿博爱(BOHUHONGBOAI)公司,北京鲁戈(LUGE)研究所,巴州瑞琦鸿博爱公司北京销售公司,甘肃(GANSU)酒泉(JIUQUAN)瑞琦鸿博公司,青海(QINGHAI)力科(LIKE)农林股份公司,

2. 青海省:gansu甘肃省 -> | qinghai青海省 -> | ningxia宁夏回族自治区 ->

3. 青海省展团:8482 西藏展团 Tibet | 8504 青海省展团 Qinghai | 8408 陕西省展团 Shaanxi

4. 青海 青海:Liaoning 辽宁 遼寧 | Qinghai 青海 青海 | Shaanxi 陕西 陝西

Qinghai 单语例句

1. Qinghai的意思

1. The company not only makes TV programs, but also handles the business operation of Qinghai TV.

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2. The four Qinghai victims were members of the organized Chinese pilgrim group, while the Xinjiang pilgrim visited the place by himself.

3. Shenhua Group signed an agreement with the Qinghai provincial government on Monday evening to start the exploration of combustible ice in the province.

4. Qinghai Province has responded to the needs of a large and geographically isolated population and is now concentrating its efforts on women and minority groups.

5. Qinghai在线翻译

5. Industry experts said lithium resources in Qinghai are of low concentration and cost more to extract than those in Australia and Canada.

6. It said Qinghai had taken emergency measures by closing off the spots to prevent people and fowl from contacting wild birds.

7. Qinghai的反义词

7. Qinghai Province took emergency measures by closing off some scenic spots to prevent people and poultry from contacting wild birds.

8. Qinghai took emergency measures by closing off spots to prevent people and fowl from contacting wild birds.

9. Officials from Qinghai's health bureau have advised anyone with a fever or cough since July 16 to seek hospital treatment.

10. A worker disinfect a truck entering Gangcha county in Qinghai Province May 21 after bird flu cases were reported there.