

Quixote 基本解释


Quixote 网络解释


1. 唐吉柯德式的人:Quixote狂热而狭义之人 | Quixote唐吉柯德式的人 | Quixotism唐吉柯德式行为

2. 狂热而狭义之人:quitrate退职率 | Quixote狂热而狭义之人 | Quixote唐吉柯德式的人

3. 梦想:01. Quixote 梦想 | 02. Winter 冬季 | 03. Victory 胜利

Quixote 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Don Quixote is adapted from Spanish literary giant Miguel De Cervantes'novel.

2. Quixote的翻译

2. Jerome's literary sense of humor and by Cervantes'persistence in producing the epic Don Quixote at the ripe old age of 58.

3. Their adventures find them embroiled in a duel that Quixote must win in order for the true identity of Dulcinea to be revealed.

4. While " Giselle " and " don Quixote " are both recognizable pieces.

5. The boys like the novel so they decide to create a videogame where they can play Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.

6. Quixote

6. She was the first to have translated Don Quixote directly from Spanish into Chinese and her books have sold in the millions.

7. It's a play within a play, telling the story of the knight Don Quixote and his fellow prisoners.

8. Quixote什么意思

8. But he likens himself to Don Quixote because of several setbacks at the beginning.