RH 基本解释

abbr.Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度

RH 网络解释

1. 铑:为贯彻<<中华人民共和国环境保护法>>和<<中华人民共和国大气污染防治法>>,保护环境,保障人体健康,防治机动车排放污染,规范车用陶瓷催化转化器中铂(Pt)钯(Pd)铑(Rh)的测定方法,制定本标准.

2. 相对湿度:室内空气及装饰材料中甲醛限量范围是:(0.08~0.15)mg/m3;检测方法主要为:仪器分析法和化学分光光度法. 甲醛浓度 (ppm) 相对湿度 (RH) PPM400测量值

3. 释放激素:下丘脑激素分为释放激素(RH)和释放抑制激素(RIH)两大类,它们都对垂体发挥作用. 下丘脑的激素的化学本质均为多肽.

4. 生殖健康:该项目旨在改善我国中西部地区居民的生殖健康(RH)家庭保健状況,降低妇科病发病率,降低5岁以下的婴幼儿、育龄妇女、更年期(男女)的各对象人群的主要疾病的发病率.

5. rh:rabbit hair; 兔毛

6. rh:resistant hepatocyte; 抵抗性肝细胞

7. rh:resistant hypertension; 称为顽固性高血压

8. rh:refractor hypertension; 难治性高血压

9. rh.:right halfback; 右前卫

RH 单语例句

1. The suspense over the House final verdict on the RH bill is expected to be shorter this time around.

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2. The House of Representatives is expected to approve its version of the RH bill on third and final reading Monday.

3. He observed that even the senators had to wait out for the House vote before resuming debates on the RH bill.

4. Niu Lianzhong has given more blood than this and also organizes Rh negative donations through the QQ forum.

5. Estrada lamented the wedge driven between the Church and RH supporters because of the measure.

6. The city's first Rh negative blood donation site was set up here Saturday.

7. RH什么意思

7. The Palace expressed confidence that the RH bill would be passed by Congress this week.

8. RH的反义词

8. The blood bank normally keeps a daily storage of 4 liters of Rh negative and 600 milliliters is used every day on average.

9. The Beijing Red Cross Blood Center is collecting rare blood types like the Rh group.