
Rhine [rain]  [raɪn] 

Rhine 基本解释


Rhine 网络解释


1. 莱茵河:主要景点: 大英博物馆 伦敦白金汉宫 伦敦塔桥 伦敦塔桥 罗马广场 莱茵河(Rhine) 巴黎圣母院(NotreDamedeParis) 艾菲尔铁塔(LaTourEiffel) 香榭丽舍 协和广场(Place de la Concorde) 凯旋门 许愿池 罗马君士坦丁凯旋门 米开朗

2. 莱茵河 (名):rhinal 鼻的, 鼻腔的 (形) | Rhine 莱茵河 (名) | rhinencephalic 嗅脑的 (形)

3. 莱茵河 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯:Rhaetian Alps 里申阿尔卑斯山 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±??... | Rhine 莱茵河 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó?△sdfsaāú??# | Rhode Island 罗德岛 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???...

Rhine 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. The frescoes in the castle chapel and the Small Knights Hall are among the most important works of romantic Rhine art existence.

2. Rhine的意思

2. Thousands have already arrived and spent Monday night drinking and revelling in Cologne's old centre and along the banks of the river Rhine.

3. They established " Rhine romanticism " as an artistic style and movement, making it almost a household word.

4. Rhine在线翻译

4. The renowned Rhine was for a time called the " European Sewer " because of the serious water pollution.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Alsace is in the Northeast of France, near the western bank of the upper Rhine River next to Germany and Switzerland.

6. I saw two parallel railways along Rhine, with trains shuttling on them.

7. He cited the example of the Rhine River that snakes through nine countries.

8. The extensive complex is one of the most visited on the Rhine, with attractions including Europe's biggest vaulted cellars.

9. The most romantic time of the year on the Rhine is probably during the Rhine in Flames spectacle.

10. The countries along the Rhine can be compared to provinces along the Yangtze River or the Yellow River.