
Satan [ˈseɪtn]  [ˈsetn:] 

Satan 基本解释



Satan 反义词



Satan 网络解释

1. 撒但:撒但或魔鬼--撒但(satan)又称「魔鬼」,圣经中提得最多. 在旧约时,撒但曾在上帝前谗诬约伯与约书亚,好象很有势力,居然能在天上遨游. 但到了新约,这种事情已不再发生. 因耶稣已降世,与撒但展开了战争. 魔鬼最早出现于始祖亚当夫妇的伊甸园中,

2. 卫星天线:RTV 路透社电视(英国) | SATAN 卫星天线 | SATCOM 卫星通信

3. 尘旋:sasse 船闸 | satan 尘旋 | satellite 卫星

4. satan:system administrator tool for analyzing networks; 系统管理人网络分析工具

5. satan:satellite automatic tracking antenna; 卫星自动跟踪天线

6. satan:security administrator tool for analyzing networks; 安全管理员的网络

7. satan:security administrator tool for analyzing network; 用于分析网络的安全管理程序工具,网络分析安全管理工具〖软件包〗

Satan 词典解释

1. 撒旦(基督教中与上帝为敌的魔王)
    In the Christian religion, Satan is the Devil, a powerful evil being who is the chief opponent of God.

Satan 单语例句

1. About two million Muslims from all over the world gathered in Mena to perform the casting of seven stones at pillars symbolizing Satan.

2. That's true here on the spare " Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down, " a song with a true sense of gravitas.

3. Members of the fundamentalist church said they opposed Dio because they believed he worshipped Satan.

4. Satan的解释

4. Look at the little doggy - so cute, dressed up as Satan.

5. Satan and Adolf Hitler were proposed names that have been declined, he said.

6. He's regularly referred to as Satan or the devil for protecting Big Tobacco and selling cigarettes to the American public.