Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia[ˈsaudi əˈreibjə] 

Saudi Arabia 基本解释


Saudi Arabia 网络解释

1. 沙烏地阿拉伯:...杜拜是属阿拉伯联合大公国 (United Arab Emirates,UAE),位於波斯湾畔阿拉伯联合大公国 (UAE)以七个酋长部落组成分别为:阿布达比(首都)、阿吉曼、富吉拉、夏尔迦、杜拜和欧姆古温、拉斯海玛 临接阿曼 (Oman) 沙乌地阿拉伯 (Saudi Arabia) 及卡塔尔...

2. 阿拉伯:(路透杜拜29日电)一名盖达(al Qaeda)要角表示,沙乌地阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)国王阿布杜拉应该被杀死,因其呼吁不同宗教间对话等於是加入西方十字军对抗伊斯兰.

Saudi Arabia 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. RIYADH - Chinese construction enterprises can tender for projects directly in Saudi Arabia, according to an agreement signed by China and Saudi Arabia on Saturday.

2. The Arab News newspaper said the gunmen dragged a body behind a car, mirroring an attack earlier this month in western Saudi Arabia.

3. Saudi Arabia什么意思

3. " Victory over Saudi Arabia will give the Carthage Eagles wings to fly even higher, " said former player Nabil Kouki.

4. Saudi Arabia的近义词

4. Saudi Arabia is expected to circulate a draft resolution backing an Arab peace plan for Syria among UN General Assembly members on Friday.

5. Crude futures continued to climb up Monday as the supply worries outweigh Saudi Arabia's promise to boost output.

6. King Abdullah said Saudi Arabia holds that different civilizations should show respect and enhance dialogue with one another so as to coexist harmoniously.

7. Saudi Arabia什么意思

7. The Pakistani government agreed to commute his sentence from life in prison to exile in Saudi Arabia for 10 years.

8. This is the third consecutive year that China's largest telecom services equipment supplier has got a contract in Saudi Arabia for the haj.

9. Crude prices tumbled on Tuesday as the biggest OPEC exporter of Saudi Arabia promised more production to meet any supply shortfall.

10. Statistics from the Chinese General Administration of Customs show that Saudi Arabia has become China's largest trade partner in the Middle East area.