
scandal [ˈskændl]  [ˈskændl] 



scandal 基本解释


名词丑闻,丑名,丑事,丑行,丢脸的事件,舞弊案件,耻辱; 流言蜚语; 闲话; 诽谤

scandal 同义词

名词shame humiliation disgrace

scandal 反义词



scandal 相关例句



1. I'm not interested in scandal about the neighbors.

2. If she leaves her husband, she will certainly create a scandal in the village.

3. It is a scandal for officials to take bribes.

4. A soldier should not bring scandal upon the uniform.

5. There was a great scandal when we found out that the doctor had been sent to prison for stealing.

scandal 网络解释

1. 流言蜚语:A329 橙色日子(Orange Day) 妻夫木聪 柴崎幸 成宫宽贵 2A755 娜娜(NANA) 中岛美嘉,宫崎葵,松田龙平,玉山铁二 2部 各1张a962 练舞(Dance Drill) 荣仓奈々/加藤ローサ/森田彩华 2流言蜚语(Scandal) 铃木京香 长谷川京子 吹石一恵 2

2. 丑闻;引人愤慨之事 into 偶遇;碰上 | 20.scandal 丑闻;引人愤慨之事 | 1.amuse 使欢乐;使愉快;使发笑

scandal 词典解释

1. 丑行;丑闻
    A scandal is a situation or event that is thought to be shocking and immoral and that everyone knows about.

    e.g. ...a financial scandal.

2. 流言蜚语;关于丑闻的传言;谣言
    Scandal is talk about the shocking and immoral aspects of someone's behaviour or something that has happened.

    e.g. He loved gossip and scandal...
    e.g. These mothers often abandoned their children because of fear of scandal.

3. 令人气愤的事;不像话的事;可耻的行为
    If you say that something is a scandal, you are angry about it and think that the people responsible for it should be ashamed.

    e.g. It is a scandal that a person can be stopped for no reason by the police.

scandal 单语例句

1. After the recent milk formula scandal, many mothers are worried about it and feel safer buying imported goods.

2. TOKYO - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's beleaguered government was hit by another scandal Saturday, as local media accused a Cabinet minister of accounting irregularities.

3. This party reminds me of a camping scandal earlier that was organized by a travel agency.

4. scandal的意思

4. The spokesman for the Ministry of Health has apologized for the recent exam leak scandal, which resulted in the cancellation of the national qualification exams for licensed doctors.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. China's famous White Rabbit candy will be back in shops overseas from April, six months after sales were halted amid the widespread tainted milk scandal.

6. " She just sat and worried when she was on her own, " Carol Thatcher said of the scandal involving her twin brother.

7. This is the first scandal in Chinese football history connected to social drug use and only the second drug case.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Chinese businessmen seem extremely talented when it comes to cashing in on almost every national scandal and crisis.

9. scandal的反义词

9. The casting couch scandal that erupted in China's entertainment industry last year has essentially turned every struggling actress into a suspect of moral compromise.

10. Two years ago Cate Blanchett's Notes on a Scandal featured a teacher's affair with a teenage boy.

scandal 英英释义



1. disgraceful gossip about the private lives of other people

    Synonym: dirt malicious gossip

2. scandal的近义词

2. a disgraceful event

    Synonym: outrage