1. The 4839 clusters are the transcripts of the genes from liver tissue in Silkie Fowl.
2. Excluding interference of breeding conditions'distinctness, this trial compared the difference of gene'expressing in liver which closely correlated with Silkie's, normal plumed black-bone chicken's, SuQin96's and Abar acer broiler's unique traits.
3. By bioinformatical analysis on muscle tissue ESTs of Silkie Fowl, the results what we got were:(1) 1936 contigs and 4087 siglets of muscle tissue were obtained. These contigs ang singlets are 6023 ESTs of non-redundancy in all, and then could be cluster 5823 clausters.
4. The ability of melanoblasts in the Silkie embryos to migrate ventrally is correlated with a lack of peanut agglutinin binding barrier tissues, which are present in the Lightbrown Leghorn embryos.
5. The silkie spleen marginal zone and red pulp are pale pink, white pulp is violet.
6. These results suggested that intramuscular injection with 1000 IU vitamin D3 could elevate the blood calcium, blood phosphorus and laying rate of Silkie.
7. The silkie central immune organs containing thymus and bursa, while peripheral lymphoid organs including spleen and the lymphoid tissue of enteron, respiratory tract and genitourinary tract.
8. Amino acid levels for diet in Yellow-shin-silkie chickens were calculated according to the general requirement and the average daily feed intake.
9. Nick eggs, Jianghan soil eggs, Agricultural University Three eggs, silkie eggs are the same type, Highland brown shell eggs, and green shell eggs are one category alone.
10. Construction and Identification on cDNA Library of Breast Muscle and Liver in Silkie Fowl
11. Observation had been done on Taihe Silkie chicken (TH) embryos and their histological section and smear.
12. Black-bone chicken is a unique domestic chicken breed in China, and the Silkie has been admitted as an International Standard Breeds because of its unique appearance. Chinese regard Black-bone chicken as an officinal chicken breed for long term.
13. The same analysis on liver tissue ESTs of Silkie Fowl was carried out, the results what we got were:(1) 2058 contigs and 3019 siglets of liver tissue were obtained. These contigs ang singlets are 5077 ESTs of non-redundancy in all, and then could be cluster 4839 clausters.