
Slovak ['sləʊvæk]  ['sloʊvæk] 

Slovak 基本解释



Slovak 网络解释


1. 斯洛伐克语:斯洛伐克语(Slovak)和捷克语类似,发音对中国人来说有点困难. 大城市里的年轻人英语还不错,但其它地方的人英语就不太灵光,倒是都通德语. 东斯洛伐克可通匈牙利语. 有时想找到说英文的人, 还真不太容易. 俄文在这里偶尔能派得上用场,

2. 斯洛伐克人:另一是追求分离的民族主义,例如:斯洛瓦尼亚(Slovcnia)和克罗琪亚(Croatia)想脱离南斯拉夫而独立,北爱尔兰的爱裔份子想脱离联合王国而独立,斯洛伐克人(Slovak)想脱离捷克(Czech)而独立等等.

3. 斯洛伐克共和国:里屯路9号 6532-1986卢森堡(Luxembourg) 内务部街21号 6513-5937 100600保加利亚共和国(Bulgaria) 建国门外秀水北街4号 6532-1946捷克共和国(Czech) 建国门外曰坛路 6532-1531 100600斯洛伐克共和国(Slovak) 建国门外曰坛路

Slovak 单语例句


1. The two men were meeting Thursday in the Slovak capital with Iran a top item on their agenda.

2. Slovak是什么意思

2. The Slovak Football Association's executive committee would ask the association's council for confidence in April.

3. Slovak

3. Yushchenko's talks with his Slovak counterpart, the prime minister of Moldova and the Polish foreign minister is certain to irritate Russia.

4. The agency also said the Slovak army sent a helicopter to the crash site, but that it was unable to land because of bad weather.

5. Slovak defender Martin Skrtel stopped a shot on the line but some of the Italian players argued the ball had crossed the line.

6. A Slovak driver who crashed into a bus shocked rescuers who found him unconscious and half naked with a vacuum pump on his penis.

7. Slovakia's currency is called the Slovak koruna and its official language is Slovak.

8. EU finance ministers approved Slovakia's entry into the Exchange Rate Mechanism at the request of Slovak authorities.

9. Slovak的反义词

9. The survivor was taken to a hospital in the Slovak city of Kosice but there was no immediate word on his condition.

10. Vladimir Weiss has quit as the coach of Slovakia's national soccer team, the Slovak Football Association said on Monday.