

Spence 基本解释
思朋斯(Spencer的异体)(m.);<英><方><古>食品室; 补助款;内室;
Spence 网络解释

1. 斯宾塞:Stackelberg)双寡头竞争模型3.4.2 工会与企业之间博弈--里昂惕夫 (Leontief)工会与企业的工资和就业模型3.4.3 罗宾斯坦 (Robinstein)轮流出价的讨价还价模型4.1.3 海萨尼 (Harsanyi)转换5.3.2 斯宾塞(Spence)劳务市场模型5.4

2. 史賓杜英國,店主;治理者,行政官:Solomon所羅門希伯來和平,平安. | Spence史賓杜英國,店主;治理者,行政官. | Stan,史丹,英國,草原,牧場.

3. 智利 露天 铜:Salobo 巴西 露天 铜-金 1055 | Spence 智利 露天 铜 1000 | EI Pachon 阿根廷 露天 铜-钼 900

Spence 单语例句

1. " China and Australia have a great many things in common in these fields, " Spence says.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Sri Lankan conglomerate Aitken Spence PLC will hold a 30 percent stake in the project, while the Sri Lankan port authority will hold the remaining 15 percent stake.

3. Prisons will have new technology installed to turn the water off after three minutes, said the state's Corrective Services Minister Judy Spence.

4. Spence的解释

4. The'Gladiator'star went for months without sex before he married Danielle Spence in 2003.

5. The distinguished Yale University Sinologist Jonathan Spence has called this study " a work of such subtlety and meticulous scholarship that it is hard to fault ".

6. Spence said he plans to become a " human surveillance machine " to explore privacy issues and whether people are " sleepwalking into an Orwellian society ".

7. Queensland's Families Minister Judy Spence was seeking unedited tapes of the incident.

8. Spence said China and many other developing countries had taken extremely effective measures to tackle the financial crisis and global downturn.

9. Canadian Rob Spence's eye was damaged in a childhood shooting accident and it was removed three years ago.

10. Spence said the balance of China's economy is changing, meaning the country will not rely excessively on exports.