


Total On-line Program and Information Control System 总联机程序和信息控制系统;题目,论题,话题( topic的名词复数 );


1. <论题篇>:但是亚里士多德在<<论题篇>>(Topics)中,对第一个范畴亚里士多德从来没有说只有当我们赋予了世界内容以形式,世界对我们才产生意义. 但笔者认为这和康德的观点完全一致,并可以作为建构主义的理论基础.

2. 内容:对于基于HTML的平台,主题控制了内容(topics)的布局和外观. 例如,您可以将内容分为可滚动区和不可滚动区,并且在每一项内容的最后包含您公司的图标. 同属性相结合,主题设定了导航链接的颜色、背景图片和说明.

3. 话题:2.话题(Topics)给人们一个谈论的理由!是产品、价格、外观、活动、代言人等等. 其实口碑营销就是一个炒作和寻找话题的过程,总要发现一点合乎情理又出人意料的噱头让人们,尤其是潜在的用户来说三道四. 对于话题的发现,


1. TOPICS的翻译

1. While distracting topics such as cybersecurity may continue to make the headlines, trade and economic relations remain the business to attend to.

2. Microblog staffers often actively discuss with their readers topics related to the pavilions and host online activities including guessing games and lucky draws.

3. A low carbon economy and green economy are important topics today, since they are in accordance with real estate development.

4. Last year the city invited bidders worldwide for the first time to carry out research projects on 60 major topics in the plan.

5. The local reporters were more casually dressed than the foreign press, who later were allowed to question him about a range of topics.

6. People move around, chatting casually about many topics with native English speakers to improve their language skills.

7. TOPICS的近义词

7. The report to the Central Committee often contains several dozen topics, and the government assigns each topic to a different think tank.

8. TOPICS是什么意思

8. After all, it gives my family common topics to chat about surrounded by cheerful holiday ambiance.

9. TOPICS的解释

9. We discussed many interesting topics such as the cultural sphere of Chinese character.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The Action Plan prioritizes the education and training of civil servants, and requires the training programs to cover topics related to human rights.