
Taoism [ˈdaʊɪzəm]  [ˈtaʊˌɪzəm, ˈdaʊ-] 

Taoism 基本解释


Taoism 网络解释


1. 道教:1993年,美国汉学家赫尔兹(P.R.dz)博士出版了<<道教>>(Taoism)一书. 这也是一部研究道教的概论性专著. 书中对道教的起源及其在历代的发展史、仪式和内丹术等内容进行了较为详细的介绍. 1993年,

2. (中国的)道教:这个宗教具有很明显的太阴崇拜特征,现在在欧美,萨满教,巫教(Wicca)和异教(Pagan)甚至包括吉卜赛文化基本归为一个范围,中国的道教(Taoism)也属此列,都是被拜耶和华的基督教和犹太教所排斥的,因为这些教都是事实拜太阴的.

Taoism 词典解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. (中国的)道教
    Taoism is a Chinese religious philosophy which believes that people should lead a simple honest life and not interfere with the course of natural events.

Taoism 单语例句

1. For example, both Buddhism and Taoism believe in universal causation and reincarnation.

2. Fu Xi also invented bagua or Eight Trigrams, which formed the basis of Chinese traditional philosophies like Taoism and Confucianism.

3. Taoism是什么意思

3. " I believe I could also practice Taoism in a marriage, " she said.

4. Taoism holds that people should always behave in ways that are harmonious with nature rather than counter to nature.

5. A good example of this is the Jade Emperor, supreme deity in Taoism.

6. About 60 kilometres from downtown Chengdu, the evergreen Mount Qingcheng was one of the places where Taoism came into being.

7. The names evoke poetic imagery, which unite the beauty of landscapes and Taoism's reverence for nature.

8. Taoism的解释

8. Huangdi is an important figure in Chinese religions, particularly Taoism and Confucianism.

9. The prince had studied diligently for 42 years, and finally he became a master of Taoism.

10. She spent all her energy editing Taoism scriptures and blowing a traditional Chinese flute.