

Th 基本解释


abbr.thorium 钍

Th 情景对话



A:Good! There’s the information desk. How do we get to the 70 th Street, please?
      您好!问讯处,请问我们怎样能到第70 街?

B:The Northern Line is what you want.

A:How much is it?

B:It’s two yuan.

A:Which way do we go for the Northern Line?

B:Just go through the No.8 ticket-barrier over there. A train will be in directly.
      从8 号检票口往前走,车马上就进站。

A:I appreciate it. Thank you.

B:That’s all right.

Th 网络解释


1. 厚度:结果发现:高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔肺单位面积肺泡数显著高于SD大鼠,单个肺泡面积和弹性纤维/肺实质比显著低于SD大鼠;高原鼢鼠肺泡隔厚度最厚,高原鼠兔最薄,且三种动物具显著差异;高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔气-血屏障的算术平均厚度(Ta)和调和平均厚度(Th)均显著低于SD大鼠;

2. 泰国:省、市89个稻瘟病菌株及由法国国际农艺研究和发展中心(CIRAD)提供作对照的巴西(BR)、喀麦隆(CM)、马达加斯加(MD)、马里(ML)、菲律宾(PH)、泰国(TH)6国7个菌株的交配型.用微卫星分子标记分析了这些菌株的遗传多样性及其亲缘关系,

3. 潮汐猎人:而半人马(CENT)则因为自带技能而成为高力量成长的高血量肉盾.而另类的肉盾比如骷髅王(snk)因为重生的存在,也可以作为肉盾来使用.单体控制技能代表:暗影洒满(SH) 恶魔巫师(lion)群体控制技能代表:树精卫士(tree) 半人马酋长(cent) 半人猛犸(mag) 潮汐猎人(TH)

4. 钍:自然伽马能谱测井不仅能测量地层中的总自然伽马含量,还能测量地层的无铀伽马(KTh)含量及铀(U)、钍(Th)、钾(K)的含量.利用其测量值,结合岩心化验分析资料及地质资料可用来确定矿物成分、评价沉积和成岩环境;定性判断地层高自然伽马储层、裂缝;

5. th.:thoroughbred; 英纯种马

6. th:tyrosine-hydroxylase; 酪氨酸羟化酶

7. th:t-helper; 辅助性t细胞

8. th:time-hopping; 跳时

Th 单语例句

1. Th funding for the HK $ 38 million robotic surgical system and conversion of the operation room was donated by an anonymous philanthropist.

2. Th the early period of the founding of new China, the literary works mainly reflected the history of people's hard struggle in the Liberation War.

3. Th什么意思

3. But now it is " the largest ever financial crime in China ", th China Daily said earlier this year when Tang went on trial.

4. Th是什么意思

4. Th Australian has made himself plenty of enemies, from the governments whose secret information he has revealed to former colleagues he has alienated.

5. Th e renovations of the walls, floors and sewage system in Jokhang have almost been completed.

6. Th的解释

6. Th ministry said on its website that the delegation was from the China National Defense University.

7. Th的翻译

7. Tea Petrin visited China and attended the celebrations marking the 20 th anniversary of the twinning between Chengdu and Ljubljana..

8. Th e experts warn that instant and irreversible damage can be caused at 120 decibels and above.

9. Th is new pizzeria and trattoria is taking cheese lovers by storm.

10. Song Fang Maison de Th carries a variety of special tea from China and France along with cute accessories.