The Chosen One

The Chosen One

The Chosen One 单语例句

1. He was chosen as one of the 50 most charismatic business personalities in the world by the American fortnightly magazine Fortune in 1986.

2. One who appeared upset at being chosen was excused, meaning the trial will proceed with 12 jurors and five alternates instead of six.

3. No one in charge of investment promotion at the buildings Apple is considering would confirm if a site for the project had been chosen.

4. This past weekend, the young people of China were busy celebrating the victory of their own chosen one.

5. Lai Jiajun was chosen as one of five young students to come up to the stage for free lessons.

6. She refused to reveal any details about how they made the decision, except for saying " the one we have finally chosen is a Beijing model worker ".

7. Since one must pay in order to keep a pet dog in many cities, many have chosen not to register so as to evade the charge.

8. The Chosen One的翻译

8. One masterpiece will be chosen each month to be go on display at the Expo site.

9. He became one of 10 students chosen from 200 applicants, and they all headed to the Tibet class affiliated with Huizhou No 8 High School.

10. One of Jackson's longtime lawyers was chosen to represent the family's legal interests, a person close to the situation said Saturday.