
Tianjin [ˈtjɑ:nˈdʒin]  [ˈtjɑnˈdʒɪn] 

Tianjin 基本解释
天津(旧译 Tientsin);
Tianjin 网络解释


1. 天津:MYYA(天津)(TianJin)INC.是来自美国加利弗尼亚州洛杉矶市的迈亚公司(MingYangYeh&Associates),约翰.莫洛建筑师事所(JohnV.Mutlow,Architects)及凯文.艾比景观规划建筑师事务所(AhbeLandscapeArchitects)联合在天津注册设...

2. 天津 天津:印象天津 天津(TianJin),是中国四大直辖市之一,中国北方的经济中心,国际港口城市,生态城市. 天津市位于环渤海经济圈的中心,是中国北方最大的沿海开放城市、近代工业的发源地、近代中国北方的金融中心、近代最早对外开放的沿海城市、我国北方的海运与工业中心.

3. 津/天津:印象天津 天津(TianJin),是中国四大直辖市之一,中国北方的经济中心,国际港口城市,生态城市. 天津市位于环渤海经济圈的中心,是中国北方最大的沿海开放城市、近代工业的发源地、近代中国北方的金融中心、近代最早对外开放的沿海城市、我国北方的海运与工业中心.

4. 津:航程名称 MU东方航空天津飞米兰(马尔本萨机场)新春开航特价飞机票预订 出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 天津(TianJin) 目的地 欧洲(Europe) - 意大利(ITALY) - 米兰(马尔本出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 天津(TianJin)目的地 欧洲(Eu

Tianjin 单语例句

1. Tianjin在线翻译

1. Tianjin expats are a busy lot in one of China's largest cities and hold a variety of events to entertain themselves.

2. Tianjin Culture Center is by far the largest public cultural venue project in Tianjin.

3. Two cab drivers joined hands to nab a man who had robbed a woman in Tianjin municipality in the early hours of last Saturday.

4. To call a mobile phone in Tianjin outside China, still please dial " + 86 " first before the mobile phone number.

5. The plant is located in North China's Tianjin Municipality, with a production capacity of 820 complete sets of wind power equipment.

6. Tianjin

6. The expansion comprises a new workshop and warehouse and upgrade of production equipment, which will double production capacity of the Tianjin plant.

7. Currently 355 equity funds and venture capital funds are registered in Tianjin.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. The last flight to resume will take off Tuesday morning from Tianjin to Kunming, capital of Yunnan province in southwest China.

9. Tianjin的近义词

9. The Capital International Airport was forced to cancel 190 flights, while sections of seven Beijing and 10 Tianjin highways were also forced to close temporarily.

10. With a good pension, the retired woman leads a comparatively good life in North China's Tianjin municipality.