

Trident 基本解释

[地名] [美国] 特赖登特

Trident 网络解释

1. 三*戟:值得一提的是,笔者参与的这一印度研讨会就在三*戟(Trident)旅馆举行,与会人员则住在奥拜罗(Oberoi)旅馆,几天之后,这里就发生了恐怖袭击事件,将近200人遇害,这让笔者不禁产生大难不死的感慨.

2. 泰鼎:通俗易懂,实用性强,既介绍经典理论,又介绍当前最新科技成果的应用,适合彩色电视机设计,生产,维修人员阅读,也可作为大中专院校,职业技术院校消费电子专业的教学参考书. 第1章 泰鼎(trident)数字化电视信号处理(dptv)集成电路简介

3. 海魂:SerpentSword 银蛇 | Trident 海魂 | PowerAxe 修罗

Trident 单语例句

1. Neither Firefox or Chrome rely on IE's Trident rendering engine, whereas most indigenous browsers in China are dependent on it.

2. Trident

2. Its gum division was benefiting from innovations of existing products, such as Trident Layers in the United States and new Trident packs in South America.

3. Two Hong Kong tourists stranded in the Trident Hotel have been shifted to safety.

4. At that time Chinese found Boeing planes superior to their existing Russian prop planes and British Trident jets.

5. Trident

5. Two Hong Kong tourists trapped in the Trident hotel have been shifted to safety.