
U-turn [ˈju:ˌtɜ:n]  [ˈjuˌtən] 



U-turn 基本解释


名词调头; 〈比喻〉方向的大改变; 似 U 形转弯的东西

动词调头; 作180(U形)度大转弯

U-turn 词典解释

1. U型转弯;180度转弯;掉头
    If you make a U-turn when you are driving or cycling, you turn in a half circle in one movement, so that you are then going in the opposite direction.

    e.g. Making a sharp U-turn, she headed back...
    e.g. Eventually, he turned off the main route and suddenly did a U-turn.

2. (政治家在政策、计划、行动方面的)180度大转弯,彻底转变
    If you describe a change in a politician's policy, plans, or actions as a U-turn, you mean that it is a complete change and that they made the change because they were weak or were wrong.

    e.g. ...a humiliating U-turn by the Prime Minister.
    e.g. ...the U-turns he made on economic policy and pit closures.