1. However, such a beautiful day to be the uninvited guest, a mysterious break, known as Huang Nan 20-year-old girl claimed to be a loyal audience programs, and Sau-yin, the illegitimate child, but also to bring a child to say thathe grandson.
Uninvited Guest
2. I do not have to pay for Zhang, because he is an uninvited guest, and unpopular.
3. To paraphase Miss Manners, forwarding event details to an uninvited guest is, well, tacky, 'she wrote.
4. Pain. The pain of life, it was often played the role of uninvited guest, often uninvited to some pain to the gentle, as long coming of dusk, be unaware that you will feel the cold and dark; some pain come suddenly, as burst of showers, burst Roughs, let us Lai Buji prevention; when we succumb to the pain, he may make us depressed, down and out, even in despair die out.
Uninvited Guest的意思
5. Pain. The pain of life, it was often played a role in uninvited guest, often uninvited to some pain to the gentle, as long coming of dusk, be unaware that you will feel the cold and dark; some pain come suddenly, as burst of showers, burst Roughs, let us Lai Buji prevention; when we succumb to the pain, he may make us depressed, down and out, even in despair die out.
6. No one can be as unagreeable as an uninvited guest.
7. With the time you will learn to see yourself as a spirit of a special substance, who is coming from one world to another, as an uninvited guest of nature.
8. Klegg was the uninvited guest to the party.
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1. But the seasonal hazard will probably always be an uninvited guest without the public's conscientious participation in the country's green storm.