
Uzbekistan [ˌuzbekiˈstɑ:n]  [ʊzˈbɛkɪˌstæn, -ˈstɑn, ʌz-] 

Uzbekistan 基本解释
Uzbekistan 网络解释


1. 乌兹别克斯坦:大約在 20 年前,那在北方分裂成小鹹海(Small Aral Sea),位在哈薩克,而大鹹海(Large Aral Sea)則由哈薩克與烏玆別克斯坦(Uzbekistan)所共享. 据国家自然科学基金委员会网站消息:在国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC),

2. 乌兹别克:中亚五国 (Central Asia):也是前苏联的领土,中亚五国:哈萨克 (Kazakhstan),乌兹别克 (Uzbekistan),吉尔济斯 (Kyrgyzstan),塔吉克 (Tajikistan),及土库曼 (Turkmenistan) 这几个回教风味浓厚的国家,也顺势升上到第五名.

3. 克斯坦:唐代西域的范围今日新疆与中亚 乌兹别克斯坦(UZBEKISTAN)共和国一带. 帕米尔高原(葱岭)以东,天山之北设北庭节度,以南为安西节度. 丝路上,因为商旅往来,会引起盗匪或贫穷的部落觊觎,所以维持治安是很重要的一件事,所以当地小国,

4. 乌兹别克斯坦 塔什干 亚洲:Uruguay 乌拉圭 蒙得维的亚 南美洲 UY | Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 塔什干 亚洲 UZ | Republic of Vanuatu 瓦努阿图 维拉港 大洋洲

5. uzbekistan:uz; 乌兹别克斯坦(域名)

6. uzbekistan:uzb; 乌兹别克斯坦

Uzbekistan 单语例句

1. Officials said the men belonged to a domestic cell of a Sunni Muslin group called the " Islamic Jihad Union " which originated in Uzbekistan.

2. Uzbekistan is mainly an agricultural country, with cotton processing as the mainstay.

3. Uzbekistan declared independence in 1991 after the disintegration of former Soviet Union and established diplomatic relations with China in January 1992.

4. The West has criticised Uzbekistan for using the uprising in Andizhan as an excuse to step up its campaign against dissent.

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5. With doping controls tighter than ever, two weightlifters from Myanmar and two more from Uzbekistan were disqualified for using banned substances.

6. We feel sorry for Uzbekistan because they have been doubly punished, once for the penalty incident and then for having to replay the match they won.

7. The official said Uzbekistan had tightened its " already extremely restrictive religion law " and that congregations were harassed and fines dramatically increased.


8. Among the documents signed between China and Uzbekistan are an economic and technology cooperation agreement and a memorandum on establishing a joint industrial park.

9. Lowly Malaysia was always going to be the group whipping boys and they must now refocus to prevent any further embarrassment against Uzbekistan on Saturday.

10. Uzbekistan cooperates with NATO through its participation in the Partnership for Peace program, a first stage toward possible NATO entry.