
Vulcan [ˈvʌlkən]  [ˈvʌlkən] 

Vulcan 基本解释
祝融星;vulcanize 硫化;vulcanization 硫化处理;
Vulcan 单语例句

1. Mr Spock and his pointy eared, emotionless Vulcan friends begin their mating ritual to let off that pent up emotion.

2. They are bitter rivals at first, but an alert that Vulcan is under attack throws these men into combat.

3. They are bitter rivals at first, but an alert that Vulcan is under attack throws these men into combat together.

4. The crew of the RAF Vulcan bomber banked hard and radioed they were being chased across the Atlantic by a large mysterious object.

5. Vulcan的解释

5. But he said the tribute paid to him by Vulcan was the most touching of all.