WBC 基本解释


abbr.World Boxing Council 世界拳击评议会

WBC 网络解释

1. 白细胞:白细胞(LEU)白细胞.(WBC)分别代表什么意思?都是白细胞,那么白细胞(LEU)白细胞.(WBC)分别代表什么呢?!有人能详细解释一下吗?!

2. 白细胞数目:血常规 白细胞数目(WBC)、淋巴细胞数目(Lymph)、中间细胞数目(Mid)、中性粒细胞数目(Gran)、淋巴细胞百分比(Lymph%)、中间细胞百分比(Mid%)、中性粒细胞百分比(Gran%)、红细胞数目(RBC)、血红蛋白(HGB)、红细胞压积(HCT)、平均红细胞

3. 白细胞总数:1 白细胞总数(WBC) 7 大白细胞比率(WL%) 13 平均血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)2 小白细胞数(W-S) 8 红细胞总数(RBC) 14 红细胞分布宽度(RDW)3 中白细胞数(W-M) 9 血红蛋白含量(HGB) 15 血小板总数(PLT)4 大白细胞数(W-L) 10 红细胞

4. wbc:white bloods cell; 白细胞

5. wbc:white blood count; 白细胞计数

6. wbc:white blood cells; 外周血白细胞

WBC 单语例句

1. He then pursued his professional boxing career, becoming WBC flyweight champion with a victory over Rafael Orono from Venezuela in 1983.

2. The WBC has mandated a rematch and ordered Lewis to agree to the fight by March 1 or risk being stripped of the title.

3. Argentina's Sergio Martinez survived a torrid final round to defeat Julio Cesar Chavez Jr and claim the WBC middleweight title in Las Vegas on Saturday.

4. At age 45 he came close to upsetting WBC champion Oliver McCall.

5. WBC

5. All the guests who attended were impressed by this year's WBC.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Lewis first won the heavyweight title by default in 1992 when the WBC champion Riddick Bowe relinquished the crown.

7. He returned to the ring to win both the WBC and IBO crowns which he lost to Lennox Lewis in 2003.

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8. Winners will watch every game of the WBC live and get the chance to meet baseball personalities.

9. The cost of land for the new WBC site has not been revealed.

10. Open scoring was adopted at the WBC convention in Croatia last month.