
Zulu [ˈzu:lu:]  ['zu:lu:] 


Zulu 基本解释
Zulu 网络解释

1. <祖鲁战争>:他们今天下午会很高兴见到我,虽说当我看见今天下午电视上播着他妈的<<吉纳维芙>>(Genevieve)时,我的心跌到谷底[我老爸排行前五名的电影:<<吉纳维芙>>、<<残酷之海>>(The Cruel Sea)、<<祖鲁战争>>(Zulu)、<<我的脚夫>>(Oh!

2. 祖鲁文:这个名字仍然存在於今日全世界各种语文的基督教圣经中,基督教自夸,他们已将圣经翻译成一千五百多种语文,尤其是新约,在每一本福音书(Gospel)中,我曾详阅英文本,南非文(Afrikaanz)本,祖鲁文(Zulu)本或史瓦希利文(Swahili)本,

3. 祖鲁语:值得一提的是,南非人使用的茨瓦纳语(Tswana)、索托语(Sotho)、斯威士语(Swazi)、柯萨语(Xhosa)、祖鲁语(Zulu)也都属于班图语系. 这或许就是为什么十五世纪前期在非洲东部地区有地名叫Malindi,在非洲南部地区也有地名叫Malindi的原因.

4. 祖鲁人:填写正确三道南非问题的表格,全部答对者即有机会参加7天南非免费探险游的抽奖活动. 竞赛的幸运儿将有机会领略南非独特的多彩文化,而且也将有机会亲历坐敞棚车狩猎游、鲨鱼潜水、观鲸、与祖鲁人(Zulu)同居等惊险刺激的活动.

Zulu 单语例句

1. The footwear with its thick straps is favored by Zulu workers who came to the city to find work in the mines.

2. Traditional Zulu regalia can be bought at the market, which also gives visitors a taste of local arts and crafts.

3. The 112 contestants were welcomed at the start by Zulu dancers and the ululating African female performers.

4. Communication can also be difficult as most of the healers only speak isiZulu, as the language of the Zulu people is called.

5. Manzini said some of the violence emanated from worker hostels where Zulu migrants traditionally live.

6. As a student he began to experiment with the cross of English words and Zulu rhythms.

7. Another insider insisted that all is well between the Australian beauty and her British husband, who is currently shooting his latest film'Zulu'in London.