a chain of

a chain of

a chain of 单语例句

1. In reverse, the injection of a large amount of capital accelerated the development of chain store operators.

2. Indonesia straddles a chain of fault lines and volcanoes known as the Pacific " Ring of Fire " and is prone to seismic activity.

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3. A claim of unfair dismissal brought by a female worker against the French supermarket chain Carrefour has been rejected in court.

4. a chain of

4. Out of that incident flows a chain of revenge that ends with Barabas dying in a fiery cauldron.

5. a chain of是什么意思

5. The ongoing housecleaning in our drug administration is a popular prescription to break the notorious chain of illicit interests within government offices.

6. Guangzhou police cracked a gang of 59 members who monopolized the local food supplies of a famous snack chain store using violence.

7. I was part of a group of industry experts that recently participated in overhauling a pharmaceutical chain that resulted in rocketing revenue and profits.

8. The proposal sets off a chain of events and leaves the audience trying to decipher where Wyke's imagination ends and where reality begins.

9. And the investment will soon reap dividends and help improve the quality of the workforce, a necessary and efficient step to upgrade the production chain.

10. One piece of glazed doughnut from a doughnut chain store contains 200 kcal of empty calories with precious few nutrients.