a fat lot of

a fat lot of [ə fæt lɔt ɔv]  [e fæt lɑt ʌv] 

a fat lot of 基本解释


a fat lot of 网络解释

a fat lot of的近义词

1. 不, 毫不:169a fat lot很少 | 170a fat lot of不, 毫不 | 171a fault on the right side因祸得福

a fat lot of 单语例句

1. Liver products contain high amount of folate, but they also contain a lot of fat so intake should be limited.

2. If there is a lot of fat in this gravy then spoon it off before pouring the gravy over the meat.

3. The medical examiners said Chen had lost a lot of hypodermal fat.

4. a fat lot of在线翻译

4. Chinese children could be spared from a lot of future fat angst if their grandparents would only watch this movie.

5. a fat lot of的反义词

5. There are a lot of vegetables, and a low level of fat.