a flash in the pan

a flash in the pan [ə flæʃ in ðə pæn]  [e flæʃ ɪn ði pæn] 

a flash in the pan 基本解释

名词昙花一现; 虎头蛇尾

a flash in the pan 网络解释

a flash in the pan什么意思

1. 昙花一现:9 Don't give me your attitude.别跟我摆架子. | 10 A flash in the pan.昙花一现. | 11 That boy never says uncle.那个孩子的嘴特别硬.

2. 昙花一现的人物,一时的成功:a flash in the pan昙花一现的人物,一时的成功 | a matter of(关于...的)问题;大约 | a number of若干

3. 为时短暂的成功:227. pan out 取得成功,赚到钱 | 228. a flash in the pan 为时短暂的成功 | 229. the rubber chicken circuit 为竞选募款而前往各地举行餐会

4. 昙花一现,虎头蛇尾:a drop in the bucket 沧海一粟 | a flash in the pan 昙花一现,虎头蛇尾 | a fight of 一对,一群

a flash in the pan 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. " The rise of China is not a flash in the pan of economic history, " he said.

2. Some call her China's Lady Gaga and the future of the country's music scene, while others say she is just a flash in the pan.

3. Most of the domestic theme parks turned out to be a flash in the pan.

4. " That would be a flash in the pan, " said Xie.

5. Is she a flash in the pan or does she have real talent?

6. And if we think his Macao triumph was a flash in the pan, we are absolutely wrong.

7. " We won't be a flash in the pan, " said Chen.