a great sin

a great sin

a great sin 双语例句

a great sin的反义词

1. Qi in the region, different stones, Canyon, You Dong, Shen Jian, Wu Cheng, Fei Bao, clear spring can be found everywhere, towering old trees, Lao Teng Blot out the Sun, plants, the fight between Yan Yan, has built in the late Ming and early Qing Temple Baohua, Wun concept implicit Om Sin, the monk, that this home a total of three Nepalese mountains, a large incense, the crown of the Great Wall.

2. As a man of sin banished to this earthly world, I have to go to the great length to find the way home, and return to the paradise at the other end of the umbilical cord.

3. Idleness is a great sin, and I certainly don't like any of my friends to be idle or sluggish.

a great sin

4. He was a great sinner; there was no sin he had not indulged in. But he uttered the name of Narayana on his death-bed, calling his son, who also had that name.

5. What wrong have I done you that you have put on me and on my kingdom so great a sin?

6. In my opinion, pajamas are to be pajamas, it is loose and comfortable to have on pajamas when we go to bed, but if wearing pajamas in public, not only we will damage our own appearence, but also we will destroy the honour of our country more badly as Shanghai city represent the image of our country in the poriod of the World Expo, because we are the State of ceremonies and none of city have the phenomenon from ancient times to nowdays, ,emphasizing good manners and civility is not only country's duty but also citizen's responsibility, if you don't abide the regulation, our whole country will leave a bad impression to other country and won't have a great future in the long, just only one persionand one city, it's your sin.

a great sin

7. The men set out and looked down towards Sodom, and Abraham went with then to start them on their way ……So the Lord said, 'There is a great outcry over Sodom and Gomorrah; their sin is very grave.

8. Whoever causes one of these little ones 5 who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

9. So great was the per fection of man in the state of original justice, and so perfect the subjection of his lower faculties to the higher, that his first sin could not have been a venia sin I-II, Q. lxxxix, a.

a great sin什么意思

10. The Judges, Having Deliberated Among Themselves, Said To Pilate: We Will Not Take Upon Our Heads The Great Sin Of Condemning An Innocent Man And Of Acquitting Two Thieves, A Thing Contrary To Our Laws; Do Therefore As Thou Please.

11. We do this primitive accumulation and the so-called " original sin " entrepreneurs, venture capital has a great help.

a great sin的意思

12. For he rent Israel from the house of David; and they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king: and Jeroboam drave Israel from following the LORD, and made them sin a great sin.

13. Irreverence is a sin of great magnitude with dreadful consequences.

14. And the great theologians and philosophers like Augustine wondered about this, can you sin in a dream?

a great sin在线翻译

15. No sin such a person may commit, however great, will cause him or her to suffer, nor can the results of the greatest good such a person may do possibly equal the joy of salvation;


16. And what have I offended thee, that thou hast brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin?

17. Jeroboam enticed Israel away from following the Lord and caused them to commit a great sin.

18. Billie Holiday's reputation as a great jazz-blues sin ger rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs.
      Billie Holiday's 作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。

a great sin

19. We do this primitive accumulation and the so-called " original sin " entrepreneurs, venture capital has a great help.

20. Our sin is like a great big debt that we owe, but cannot pay.