a sort of

a sort of [ə sɔ:t ɔv]  [e sɔrt ʌv] 

a sort of 基本解释
a sort of 网络解释

1. 某种:be compared with 与......相比 | a sort of 某种 | set...... in motion 开始;

2. 一种:a sop in the pan 油煎面包 | a sort of 一种 | a sound mind in a sound body 有健康的身体才有健康的精神

3. 稍稍地;有几分:918. sorry for sth. 抱歉,遗憾 | 919. a sort of稍稍地;有几分 | 920. sort out整理;分类

4. 的一种;某种的,所谓的:come to believe 开始相信,进而相信 | a sort of ...的一种;某种的,所谓的 | linguistic determinism 语言决定论

a sort of 单语例句

1. The ceasefire succeeded to restore a sort of calmness and Israel started to gradually lift the sanctions.

2. The officers told the newspaper they were powerless to stop the animals, as they were not driving a cart or any other sort of vehicle.

3. In a way, the latter are a sort of " untouchable " caste.

4. The Mosuo had a caste system that was sort of a slave society with a small noble class.

5. a sort of

5. So that was a good sign in a bad sort of way.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. Under the category " Rights and Duty " were the 10 entries, meant to be a sort of users'manual for the good mobster.

7. a sort of

7. I have a sort of Alzheimer's for my own work, which I think is a very good thing.

8. A region of chromosome 11 where genes of any sort had never been described.

9. Rumors the 373 m volcanic lake harbors some sort of monster have been circulating for more than a century.

10. Would they think it was the name of a lover, a tribute to an idol or some sort of code?