1. 修道院:6.修道院(Abbey)艾尔:特拉普授权生产厂家啤酒. 具备特拉普啤酒品质但是不能使用特拉普商标的啤酒. 9.博克(BOCK)拉格:琥珀色到深棕色之间,法律规定酒精度不低于6.4%ABV,明显的巧克力及烘烤口感. 10.施瓦兹(Schwarzbier)拉格:拉格型黑啤,
2. 阿比:腾讯体育讯 克劳奇女友艾比-克兰斯(Abi Clancy)近日突然宣布改名为阿比(Abbey),为的就是要将自己在英国顶级模特大赛前彻底和另一名选手:三版艳星艾比-蒂特莫丝(Abi Titmuss)区分开.
3. 教堂:5月13日Bath:罗马浴场遗址,水泵房(ThePumbRoom),大教堂(Abbey),埃文河上帕尔坦尼街桥(PuteneyBridge)和桥下水中的V字在英国乘火车绝对不像在国内坐火车,他们采用站台(platform)来区分发往不同地方的火车,所以在火车站内都有电子屏幕告诉旅客,
4. 大教堂:5月13日Bath:罗马浴场遗址,水泵房(ThePumbRoom),大教堂(Abbey),埃文河上帕尔坦尼街桥(PuteneyBridge)和桥下水中的V字在英国乘火车绝对不像在国内坐火车,他们采用站台(platform)来区分发往不同地方的火车,所以在火车站内都有电子屏幕告诉旅客,
1. abbey
1. (大)修道院
An abbey is a church with buildings attached to it in which monks or nuns live or used to live.
1. Abbey said Boateng had been " rested " but " will be fine ".
2. abbey的解释
2. Westminster Abbey itself has been remade into a blooming forest, with six field maples and two hornbeams lining the aisle to the altar.
3. Despite having competed as a miniseries last year, " Abbey " is placed as a drama this year because it returned for a second season.
4. The seating plan for the April 29 ceremony at Westminster Abbey revealed the select few who will witness the ceremony up close.
5. The wedding in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947 will be recreated with archive films of the ceremony itself.
6. abbey的翻译
6. An abbey in New York recently posted an advertisement in subways to recruit friars and attracted 45 applicants.
7. William's dukedom is one of three titles bestowed by his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II to mark his marriage to Middleton at Westminster Abbey.
8. One building in particular looks like a delirious and grandiose mixture of Westminster Abbey, the Royal Academy in Piccadilly and the University of London Senate House in Bloomsbury.
9. abbey什么意思
9. Model Abbey famously turned her back on fame and fortune in the US to stay in England with her footballer boyfriend.
10. abbey的翻译
10. Tuesday was the last day that the venerable abbey is open to the public before the royal wedding.