1. 外展肌:喉内肌(intrinsic laryngeal muscles)依其对声带运动的功能分为外展肌 (abductor)、内缩肌(adductor)、松弛肌(relaxer)、紧绷肌(tensor)、以及喉腔入口的肌肉简称喉门肌.
2. 绑架者:abduction 诱导 | abductor 绑架者 | Abe 亚伯
3. 展肌:abduction 外展 | abductor 展肌 | abductormuscle 展肌
4. 诱拐者:abduction 诱拐;劫持;绑架 | abductor 诱拐者 | abet 教唆;怂恿;唆使;帮助
1. A negotiator sent by local police passes a bottle of water to the abductor.
2. An abductor strain and the need to recover from the appendectomy she had in March have colluded to lay her up.
3. After being rejected by 6 kids when trying to use snacks, the " abductor " took out an iPad and soon attracted a group of kids.
1. a muscle that draws a body part away from the median line
Synonym: abductor muscle
2. someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom)