
aboriginal [ˌæbəˈrɪdʒənl]  [ˌæbəˈrɪdʒənəl] 


aboriginal 基本解释

形容词土著人的; 原产的,原始的

名词土著居民; 土生生物; 澳大利亚土著

aboriginal 网络解释


1. 土著居民:一楼展区还包括大量来自土著居民(Aboriginal)和托雷斯海峡岛民(Torres Strait Islander)的珍贵收藏. 是原住民文物的最大展区,也是最吸引国际游客的一区.

2. 土著的:abominate 痛恨,憎恶 | aboriginal 土著的 | abrade 磨损,摩擦

3. 土著的; 土著居民:aboriginal 土著的; 土著居民 | abound 丰富 | abrupt 突然的,陡峭的

4. 原始居民,土著:1. abolitionist: 废奴主义者. | 2. aboriginal: 原始居民,土著. | 3. academician: 院士,学会会员.

aboriginal 词典解释

1. 澳大利亚土著居民
    An Aboriginal is an Australian Aborigine.

    e.g. He remained fascinated by the Aboriginals' tales.

2. 澳大利亚土著居民的
    Aboriginal means belonging or relating to the Australian Aborigines.

    e.g. ...Aboriginal art.
    e.g. ...a protest over Aboriginal land rights.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 土著的;本土原有的
    The aboriginal people or animals of a place are ones that have been there from the earliest known times or that were there before people or animals from other countries arrived.

    e.g. Most Canadians acknowledge that the aboriginal people have had a rotten deal.

aboriginal 单语例句

1. An Australian aboriginal school child works on a laptop computer as part of the " One Laptop Per Child " program in Elcho Island.

2. Coonawarra takes its name from the Aboriginal word for " honeysuckle ", a sweet scented shrub.

3. Aboriginal Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin said she had been consulting with indigenous leaders about the wording of the apology.

4. aboriginal什么意思

4. Famed Hong Kong lyricist Lin Xi also won for his work on the album, which is named after Chang's aboriginal name.

5. Since January 2010, a number of Aboriginal and local communities have worked together.

6. Ji has contributed significantly to the research on ancient Indian aboriginal languages form, primeval Buddhist languages and Sanskritic literature.

7. aboriginal的反义词

7. The last time the bridge closed for a public walk in 2000, about a quarter of a million people crossed in support of aboriginal reconciliation.

8. aboriginal的反义词

8. Following the Canadian aboriginal leaders'visit to China last summer, their visit in October would include both cultural initiatives and meetings with the investment community.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. Aboriginal huts of Angola are presented to show original lifestyles and sceneries and visitors can have real experiences of African aboriginal lives there.

10. Examples abound and the quirkiest one I know of is of an aboriginal community in Australia which was given a tractor by the government.

aboriginal 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. an indigenous person who was born in a particular place

    e.g. the art of the natives of the northwest coast
           the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students

    Synonym: native indigen indigene aborigine


1. having existed from the beginning
    in an earliest or original stage or state

    e.g. aboriginal forests
           primal eras before the appearance of life on earth
           the forest primeval
           primordial matter
           primordial forms of life

    Synonym: primal primeval primaeval primordial

2. characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning

    e.g. native Americans
           the aboriginal peoples of Australia

    Synonym: native