
abortion [əˈbɔ:ʃn]  [əˈbɔ:rʃn] 



abortion 基本解释


名词流产; 流产的胎儿; 畸形; 夭折

abortion 相关例句


1. His attempt proved an abortion.

2. Abortion is illegal in some states.

abortion 网络解释


1. 人工流产:人工流产(Abortion)又称人流是指用手术的方法终止妊娠,也就是在妊娠24周以前,采用人工方法,把已经发育但还没有成熟的胚胎和胎盘从子宫里取出来,达到结束妊娠的目的,称为人工流产.

2. 败育:但也有一些植物,散出的花粉发育不正常,没有正常的精细胞或精子,这一现象称为花粉败育(abortion). 花粉败育的原因包括:(1)结构(花药退化)型,如花药瘦小或畸形;或药隔维管组织中的导管、筛管分化不完全;或花粉囊壁的绒毡层肥大宿存或过早解离等.

abortion 词典解释

1. 人工流产;堕胎
    If a woman has an abortion, she ends her pregnancy deliberately so that the baby is not born alive.

    e.g. His girlfriend had an abortion.
    e.g. ...anti-abortion groups...

abortion 单语例句

1. abortion的解释

1. Three out of every five pregnant women visiting Nanjing Maternity & Child Health Care Hospital apply for an induced abortion.

2. abortion什么意思

2. The girl went with a classmate to a private clinic for an abortion but ended up in hospital after falling ill.

3. Abortion pill manufacturers and retailers should strictly examine buyers'credentials and keep complete sales records for at least three years.

4. Previous research in Shanghai and Shandong Province found that 30 percent of those that have had an abortion never practiced contraceptive methods.

5. Experts said the high abortion rate is due to the growing prevalence of premarital sex and a lack of contraceptive understanding.

6. abortion在线翻译

6. Yan said that about 54 percent of women seeking an abortion did not use a contraceptive.

7. Abortion rates have dropped, mostly due to a big rise in contraceptive use in Eastern Europe.

8. abortion在线翻译

8. Having one spontaneous abortion did not affect the risk of breast cancer and having two or more spontaneous abortions only slightly increased the risk.

9. Wu became pregnant twice but twice the couple decided on an abortion.

10. abortion的翻译

10. The very next ad calls Obama an extremist on abortion who supports leaving babies " out to die ".

abortion 英英释义


1. abortion什么意思

1. termination of pregnancy

2. failure of a plan

    Synonym: miscarriage