
abrasive [əˈbreɪsɪv]  [əˈbresɪv] 


abrasive 基本解释

形容词有磨蚀作用的; 摩擦的; 粗糙的; 使人厌烦的,伤人感情的

名词研磨料; 琢料; 金刚砂

abrasive 网络解释

1. 磨料:是金属表面一种物理式的清洁方法,系在高压气体的驱动下,迫使湿泥状的磨料 (Abrasive)喷打在待清洁的表面,用以去除污物的做法. 电路板制程中曾用过的湿喷浮石粉(Pumice)技术,即属此类.

2. 研磨料:石榴石,中国古时称为紫鸦乌或子牙乌,是一组在青铜时代已经使用为宝石及研磨料(Abrasive)的矿物. 常见的石榴石为红色,但其颜色的种类十分广阔,足以涵盖整个光谱的颜色. 常见的石榴石因应其化学成分而确认为六种种类,

3. 研磨剂:牙膏中主要具清洁作用的,并非会产生泡沫的接口活性剂,而是所谓的研磨剂(abrasive). 常见的有碳酸钙、碳酸镁、氢氧化铝、二氧化钛...等. 研磨剂之主要功用,即在除去附着于珐琅质上之牙斑,只要牙斑经常性的去除,珐琅质中被酸作用掉的钙磷,

4. 磨:是属表面一种物式的清洁方式,系在高压气体的驱动下,迫使湿的磨(Abrasive)喷打在待清洁的表面,用以去除污物的做法. 电板各前处制程中曾用过的湿喷浮石(Pumice)技术,即属此. 对板面进清洁前处而磨刷铜面所用到的各种物,如聚合物织布,

abrasive 词典解释

1. (态度)粗鲁的,不友善的
    Someone who has an abrasive manner is unkind and rude.

    e.g. His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety...
    e.g. Pamela was unrepentant about her strong language and abrasive remarks.

2. 粗糙可用于擦洗的;有研磨作用的
    An abrasive substance is rough and can be used to clean hard surfaces.

    e.g. ...a new all-purpose, non-abrasive cleaner.

3. 磨料;磨蚀剂
    An abrasive is a substance that is rough and can be used to clean hard surfaces.

    e.g. Avoid abrasives, which can damage the tiles.

abrasive 单语例句

1. Tedisco was an early target of Spitzer's abrasive and uncompromising style in Albany.

2. The drifting clouds consist of tiny but highly abrasive rock particles that volcanoes can blast high into the air.

3. Ash from Alaska's volcanos is like a rock fragment with jagged edges and has been used as an industrial abrasive.

4. Not allowed on planes are " strike anywhere " matches, which can be struck using any abrasive surface.

5. A student with more abrasive work would have been welcome in my class.

abrasive 英英释义



1. a substance that abrades or wears down

    Synonym: abradant abrasive material


1. sharply disagreeable

    e.g. the harsh facts of court delays
           an abrasive character

    Synonym: harsh

2. causing abrasion

    Synonym: scratchy