
absorption [əbˈsɔ:pʃn]  [əbˈsɔ:rpʃn] 

absorption 基本解释

名词吸收; 专注; 合并

absorption 相关例句



1. Complete absorption in sport interfered with his studies.

2. His absorption in study is wonderful.

absorption 网络解释


1. 吸收作用:与吸收作用(absorption)不同的是,吸收作用会使物质溶入固体或液体而形成溶液. 吸著作用包含以上两种程序,其中去吸附作用为反向程序.

2. 专注:[文摘]工作投入是指员工持续的、积极的情感激活状态,其特征为活力(Vigor)、奉献(Dedication)和专注(Absorption). 企业员工保持高水平的工作投入能够为企业带来更高的利润,并且对良好的组织气氛形成有着重要的推动作用. 影响工作投入的因素众多,

absorption 词典解释

1. (液体、气体等的)吸收
    The absorption of a liquid, gas, or other substance is the process of it being soaked up or taken in.

    e.g. This controls the absorption of liquids...
    e.g. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from food.

2. 合并;兼并;同化
    The absorption of a group into a larger group is the process of it becoming part of the larger group.

    e.g. Two new camps were readied for the absorption of refugees.

3. absorption的解释

3. 专注;着迷
    Someone's absorption in something is the fact that they are very interested in it and that it takes up all their attention and energy.

    e.g. He was struck by the artists' total absorption in their work.

absorption 单语例句

1. Absorption of Hongkong into the body of Mainland China is not the same as the absorption of East Germany into West Germany.

2. The speed of China's absorption of foreign investment is higher than that of global average.

3. The website refreshes itself automatically and provides games and quizzes along the way as sweeteners to keep the absorption of academic input fun.

4. In many cases nitrate and bacteriological contamination exceeds the natural absorption capacity and makes groundwater unsuitable for direct human consumption.

5. There is evidence that prebiotics can improve calcium absorption from some foods, and emerging research suggesting they may act to strengthen the immune system.

6. She would pat and massage different parts of her face and body to further stimulate the absorption of those beauty enhancers.

7. Universities used to be considered ivory towers, places where professors were not concerned with material gains because of their absorption in learning.

8. The cooperation will also cover basic research on Earth sciences, as well as the application of shock absorption and structure consolidating technologies and materials.

9. Now this front runner in FDI absorption is upgrading from a conventional manufacturing center to a hub of modern financial services.

10. absorption

10. The company said it would defuse the shock and noise absorption plate on baseboards and replace the brake system.

absorption 英英释义


1. the mental state of being preoccupied by something

    Synonym: preoccupation preoccupancy engrossment

2. absorption

2. complete attention
    intense mental effort

    Synonym: concentration engrossment immersion

3. (chemistry) a process in which one substance permeates another
    a fluid permeates or is dissolved by a liquid or solid

    Synonym: soaking up

4. (physics) the process in which incident radiated energy is retained without reflection or transmission on passing through a medium

    e.g. the absorption of photons by atoms or molecules

5. the process of absorbing nutrients into the body after digestion

    Synonym: assimilation

6. the social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another

    Synonym: assimilation