
abstain [əbˈsteɪn]  [æbˈsten, əb-] 






abstain 基本解释


不及物动词弃权; 避免; 戒(尤指酒),戒除

abstain 相关例句


1. I abstained from voting.

2. The doctor asked the patient to abstain from smoking.

3. Some voters abstained in the election.

4. He abstained from speaking at the meeting.

5. She abstained from voting.

abstain 网络解释


1. 抑制,戒绝:absorb 吸收 | abstain 抑制,戒绝 | abstract 抽出,提炼,摘录

2. 戒,避开:abrupt 突然的,陡峭的 | abstain 戒,避开 | abstract 抽象的,难解的

3. 禁绝:abstain from 戒 | abstain 禁绝 | abstainer 节制者

abstain 词典解释

1. abstain是什么意思

1. 戒绝;抑制
    If you abstain from something, usually something you want to do, you deliberately do not do it.

    e.g. Abstain from sex or use condoms...
    e.g. Do you drink alcohol, smoke, or abstain?

2. (投票时)弃权
    If you abstain during a vote, you do not use your vote.

    e.g. Three Conservative MPs abstained in the vote.

abstain 单语例句

1. During the Ramadan, the Muslims have to abstain from sex and food.

2. abstain的反义词

2. A new study finds Women who enjoy a drink of beer or wine daily have sharper minds into old age than women who abstain.

3. Mainland stocks rallied on Monday on speculation the government will abstain from further measures to cool the property market given Europe's debt crisis.

4. abstain的解释

4. Neighborhood officials monitor addicts in the early stage and try to get them to abstain from taking drugs at home for three months.

5. The human rights group also previously called on Hezbollah to release two kidnapped Israeli soldiers and abstain from targeting civilians.

6. You know what to abstain from and the right path to follow, and when to come to the aid of your relatives and friends.

7. He said he decided to stay three months because he realized that learning to abstain was only part of the recovery process.

8. The men were instructed to abstain from sexual activity or masturbation for 24 hours before each recorded episode of intercourse.

9. Researchers at the University of Exeter had 25 regular chocolate eaters abstain from their favorite snack for three days.

10. But he called on civil servants to abstain from drastic action and patiently wait for the ruling of the Court of Final Appeal.

abstain 英英释义



1. choose not to consume

    e.g. I abstain from alcohol

    Synonym: refrain desist

2. refrain from voting