academic world

academic world [ˌækəˈdemik wɜː(r)ld]  [ˌækəˈdɛmɪk wɜrld] 

academic world 基本解释


academic world 单语例句

1. The findings may bolster a school of thought in the academic world that China's international contacts were built more at sea than over land.

2. It is in fact the current state of China's academic world.

3. academic world的解释

3. It's tragic to see two luminous stars of the academic world stop shining on the same day over the weekend.

4. academic world的翻译

4. Internships offer students the chance to gain knowledge of life outside the academic world, but the downside is that many posts are unpaid and stressful.

5. In the early days of Zhongguancun, many of the companies in the area had close connections with the country's academic world.

6. academic world

6. This indicates a growth in China's academic influence in the world, Zhang said.

7. This is also one reason why some of the universities in the SAR are ranked among the top academic institutions in the world.

8. The exodus of hundreds of thousands of Chinese students and scholars to foreign countries has greatly promoted academic exchanges between China and the outside world.


9. Academic exchanges and cooperation with the outside world have always been an important part of the university.

10. Students and teachers are supposed to bury themselves in academic pursuits and ignore the vanities of the world.