





accents 基本解释
口音;强调;重音( accent的名词复数 );读音符号;
accents 网络解释

1. 强调动作:一切都在于时间点(Timing)和空间幅度(Spacing)标尺(Chart)和中间画(Inbetween)的演变前期动作(takes)和强调动作(accents)

2. 家居:Soft muted colours: 暗色 | accents: 家居 | feel creative and safe: 感觉有创造力、安全

3. 口音:Glossary 词汇 | accents 口音 | identify 识别、辨别

4. 音标:Accent Accent 高阶解译语言 | 音标 accents | 接受 accept

accents 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Some Chinese Muslims may have a strong accent when they chant, and accents vary from place to place.

2. accents

2. Limiting the accents to one hue makes a room instantly more cohesive.

3. The most surprising thing to realize is that the different accents don't even affect their thoughts conveying.

4. Decor is gorgeous and bold, with hardwood and dark stone complemented by touches of fresh flowers and metallic accents.

5. accents什么意思

5. He lived in a crowded dormitory, received a meager wage and had trouble understanding the accents of his colleagues and students.

6. accents

6. He even suggested Power Point presentations be used in the national congress to avoid confusion from accents.

7. Hong Kong is a peculiar place, in which the mass media always faults politicians for their accents and pronunciations of English.

8. But then it's also necessary to put yourself out there and figure it out, develop an ear for different regional accents and so on.

9. accents在线翻译

9. It has evolved to introduce more style and color to its winter wear, adding accents like lace and gauzes.

10. Throughout the match a large group of Chinese fans sang songs about their heroes - often in perfect Liverpudlian accents.