
acclaim [əˈkleɪm]  [əˈklem] 






acclaim 基本解释

动词称赞; 赞扬; 向…欢呼; 向…喝彩

名词公开赞扬; 称誉


acclaim 相关例句



1. He was acclaimed hero of the country.

2. The mob acclaimed him emperor.

3. Critics acclaimed the new play.


1. His achievements earned him the acclaim of the scientific community.

2. He deserves the acclaim he has received.

acclaim 网络解释


1. 喝彩:在喝彩(Acclaim)公司之前,赛勒斯(Cyrus)加入了水晶动力(CrystalDynamics)公司,就职期间他建立了艺术部并成为了像急速碰撞(Crash'nBurn)和心之全蚀(TotalEclipse)这些游戏艺术总监.

2. 欢迎:沙云龙老师是在全国很受欢迎(acclaim)的新东方老师. 每次出场都会有女生尖叫(exclaim)主要是因为他工作特别忙,无时间注意个人卫生,所以头屑乱飞,令大家尖叫. 同学们吓得夺门而逃(elude)书就留在教室里,于是同学们就到教室管理员那里取回(reclaim)书,

3. 为..喝彩:在20世纪90年代,赛勒斯(Cyrus)是喝彩(Acclaim)娱乐公司的数字化制作的副总裁,他负责协调并且为喝彩(Acclaim)公司奥斯汀、盐湖(SaltLake)、梯赛德(Teeside)(英国)、伦敦的工作室提供高级计算机图像艺术努力的战略方向.

acclaim 词典解释

1. acclaim的近义词

1. 称赞;赞扬
    If someone or something is acclaimed, they are praised enthusiastically.

    e.g. She has been acclaimed for the TV drama 'Prime Suspect'...
    e.g. He was acclaimed as England's greatest modern painter...

She has published six highly acclaimed novels.

2. 公开赞扬;称誉
    Acclaim is public praise for someone or something.

    e.g. Angela Bassett has won critical acclaim for her excellent performance...
    e.g. All this equipment has received international acclaim from the specialist hi-fi press.

acclaim 单语例句

1. Yang wins acclaim by taking care of the unfaithful Zhang, paralyzed in a car accident.

2. The resolution and efficiency he demonstrated during his term of acting CE won general acclaim.

3. acclaim的反义词

3. The young Shanghai sound engineer's cheeky sampling received an unprecedented wave of popular acclaim and followers.

4. acclaim在线翻译

4. The Kenyan Boys Choir enjoyed little acclaim outside of their homeland before they performed at US President Barack Obama's inauguration ceremony in June.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Instead, he has ventured into various fields and in each field he has won critical acclaim.

6. She gave her first public performance at age 10 at the First China International Guitar Festival and received immediate acclaim.

7. Wong's lawyers earned nationwide acclaim during the famed Xu Ting case in 2007.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. The Russian Philharmonic Orchestra was originally formed as a recording ensemble and has gone on to receive high acclaim for its concert performances.

9. acclaim

9. He has won wide acclaim by seeking a fair way to prove his case.

10. US filmmaker Michael Tucker won critical acclaim for his documentary " Gunner Palace, " about American soldiers taking up residence in Saddam Hussein's former palace.

acclaim 英英释义


1. enthusiastic approval

    e.g. the book met with modest acclaim
           he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd
           they gave him more eclat than he really deserved

    Synonym: acclamation plaudits plaudit eclat


1. praise vociferously

    e.g. The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein

    Synonym: hail herald

2. clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval

    Synonym: applaud clap spat