account balance

account balance [əˈkaunt ˈbæləns]  [əˈkaʊnt ˈbæləns] 

account balance 基本解释


account balance 网络解释

account balance什么意思

1. 账户余额:beginning balance 期初余额 指总分类账和明细分类账的会计期期 初的账户余额(account balance). beginning inventory 期初存货 会计期期初的存货价值, 亦即上期的期 末存货.期初存货数据须反映于损益表中,据以计算本期销货成本.

2. 帐户余额;帐户结余:accommodation party 汇票代发人 | account balance 帐户余额;帐户结余 | account book 帐簿

3. 账户余额;账户结余:accommodation party 汇票代发人 | account balance 账户余额;账户结余 | account book 帐簿

account balance 单语例句

1. China's large trade surplus will help in absorbing a major part of high import costs and can marginally moderate the current account balance.

2. Since it is the basis of the international payment balance, the current account balance must be achieved.

3. Countries that show a consistent surplus in their current account balance rise faster, benefited by a regular influx of fresh revenue from abroad.

4. China has scrapped the tax levied on the interest income of individual stock account balance, said the Ministry of Finance on Sunday.

5. Yet judging from the ratio of China's current account balance to its GDP, the yuan is close to its equilibrium exchange rate.

6. But their quotas and final approvals will still be controlled by SAFE, which will take into account the international balance sheet and the influx of money.

7. An expanded flow of outward investment may help bring China's capital account for 2009 into balance to reduce global imbalances.

8. A $ 35 fee will still be levied if the account isn't brought into balance within five days.

9. The capital account and the current account together constitute a nation's balance of payments.

10. The current account and capital account are two primary components of a country's balance of payments.