
accusation [ˌækjuˈzeɪʃn]  [ˌækjuˈzeʃən] 


accusation 基本解释


名词指责,谴责; 指控,控告; (被告发、控告的)罪名

accusation 相关例句


1. He made a false accusation against the Smiths.

2. He brought an accusation of theft against the man.

3. The accusation against him was groundless.

accusation 网络解释


1. 控告:(6)依法提出申诉(claim)和控告(accusation). 公务员的申诉控告权利是公务员维护自身权益的重要手段,也是对国家机关及公务员实施监督的有力武器. 公务员对涉及个人的处理决定不服时,有权向有关机关(作出处理决定的机关或其上级机关,

2. 控诉:质(humor)上的两种差异,亦即平民与贵族在政治生活各自展现所出现的斗争、不合控诉(accusation)的探讨. 对负有捍卫城邦自由者而言,其最有用且必须(useful and necessary)的权威莫过于当公民有灭. 其次,当人民不满某位公民时,

3. 检举:检察委员会助理检察员 Procuratorial Committee assistant procurator | 检举 accusation | 检控 institute a public prosecution

accusation 词典解释

1. 指控;控告;指责
    If you make an accusation against someone, you criticize them or express the belief that they have done something wrong.

    e.g. Kim rejects accusations that Country music is over-sentimental...
    e.g. Another accusation levelled at the Minister is that he does not understand ordinary people...

2. (尚未证实的被控告的)罪名,罪状
    An accusation is a statement or claim by a witness or someone in authority that a particular person has committed a crime, although this has not yet been proved.

    e.g. ...people who have made public accusations of rape...
    e.g. The government denied the accusation that it was involved in the murders.

accusation 单语例句

1. accusation的翻译

1. Ferrari suspect Stepney has denied the accusation of passing information to McLaren's now suspended chief designer Mike Coughlan.

2. Chinese Foreign Ministry said Tuesday China is looking into recent accusation that some factories producing products for the Beijing Olympics are using child labor.

3. accusation

3. BEIJING - A government official on Sunday refuted an accusation that discriminations widely exist in the country's civil service recruitment process.

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4. Chavez denied Uribe's accusation that he had given $ 300 million to the Colombian rebels and said he never sent them weapons.

5. Though the US Embassy in Lebanon officially denied the accusation, current and former officials concede that it happened and the damage has spread even further.

6. Chan's accusation is an epitome of academics'conceit and exclusiveness.

7. accusation的意思

7. Wang Li admitted in court that she had abused the blind men but the others denied the accusation.

8. accusation是什么意思

8. The Macau bank had been blacklisted by the US over an accusation that it helped North Korea launder and counterfeit money.

9. One claim was settled out of court, and the second accusation resulted in a criminal trial.

10. Moscow has dismissed as ridiculous the former KGB agent's deathbed accusation that Putin ordered his killing.

accusation 英英释义


1. an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence

    e.g. the newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving

    Synonym: charge

2. a formal charge of wrongdoing brought against a person
    the act of imputing blame or guilt

    Synonym: accusal