
aching ['eɪkɪŋ]  ['eɪkɪŋ] 







aching 基本解释


动词渴望( ache的现在分词 )

aching 网络解释

1. 痛的:Achinese 亚齐族 | aching 痛的 | achiote 胭脂树

2. 疼痛的:ache 痛 | aching 疼痛的 | achieve 达到;取得

3. 痛的/疼痛的/心痛的:achillotomy /跟腱切断术/ | aching /痛的/疼痛的/心痛的/ | achiral /非手性的/

aching 单语例句

1. He still has an aching pain, but it is getting better.

2. Zhang insisted on attending the examination with an aching head and his right arm in a sling after receiving minimal medical treatment in hospital.

3. Those aching for a private moment with the mountains should linger inside the park until dusk when the groups have gone.

4. Ten people with aching arms looked at their damaged limbs either through glass that magnified or minimized.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Walking on that path was difficult yet pleasant as I listened to the crunching rhythms of my aching feet.

6. aching是什么意思

6. When I finally came back to reality I realized my arms were aching from holding the heavy bunch of flowers for so long.

7. Drinking a glass of cherry juice after exercising may help ease those aching muscles, hint results of a small study.

8. Their idyllic life was soon shattered when in the winter of 1993, Zheng suddenly felt an aching and weakness in his bones.

9. Its bitterness slowly numbed my taste buds as the liquid slid down my aching throat.


10. And for troops who over exert themselves, a masseur is on hand to soothe aching muscles.

aching 英英释义


1. a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain

    Synonym: ache


1. causing a dull and steady pain

    e.g. my aching head
           her old achy joints

    Synonym: achy