
acted ['æktɪd]  ['æktɪd] 








acted 基本解释
表演;做;行动( act的过去式和过去分词 );起作用;
acted 网络解释

1. 行使...职能:Achieved 完成 | Acted 行使...职能 | Adapted 适应

2. 行动, 产生...的效果:acted 行动, 产生...的效果, | accomplished 完成的, 熟练的, 多才多艺的 | adapted 适合的

3. 扮演角色:acquired 取得 | acted 扮演角色 | activated 激活,激发

acted 单语例句

1. Shuttle managers had said they would halt the countdown and call everything off if any of the four hydrogen fuel gauges acted up.

2. It also acted as a catalyst for the passing of the administrative licensing law, which balances government behaviour with the economy.

3. acted是什么意思

3. He was also a very good coach who brought a lot of initiatives that we have acted upon in recent years.

4. acted的解释

4. Some of those named to the housing committee had acted as advisors to Leung during the CE's election bid.

5. The chief also declined to say whether police think Heinze acted alone or with others.

6. acted的解释

6. Chinese insurers acted promptly after the devastating quake by sending emergency teams to serve policyholders, the CIRC said.

7. acted在线翻译

7. The cabbie acted like there was nothing odd about picking up three fumy foreigners clad in Christmas gear.

8. It acted as a refuelling station for the Japanese military and coast guard helicopters flying relief missions in the area.

9. All Asian tourists who come to my town have always acted with the best manners and have always been proper and well mannered.

10. Changjiang Commercial Daily quoted a lawyer surnamed Gu as saying the police acted in accordance with law.