
acupuncturist [ˈækjupʌŋktʃərɪst]  [ˈækjupʌŋktʃərɪst] 


acupuncturist 基本解释



acupuncturist 网络解释


1. 针炙师:乐美森表示,卑诗省注册中医专业人士共有四类,分别为针炙师(Acupuncturist)、草药师(Herbalist)、中医师(TCMPractitioner)及高级中医师(Doctor of TCM).

2. 针灸医生/针灸师:神经专科医师neurologist | 针灸医生/针灸师acupuncturist | 妇科医师gynecologist

3. 针灸医生:acupuncture-therapy 针炙疗法 | acupuncturist 针灸医生 | acus 针

acupuncturist 词典解释

1. 针灸师;针疗医生
    An acupuncturist is a person who performs acupuncture.

acupuncturist 单语例句

1. acupuncturist的意思

1. The American is a herbalist, a licensed acupuncturist and a herbal medicine practitioner in the United States.

2. Jiang Bingxin came to know of traditional Chinese needle therapy when her father was cured by a veteran acupuncturist in 2006.

3. acupuncturist的反义词

3. Jiang then became an assistant to the acupuncturist, and learnt all she could from the veteran.

4. One is an acupuncturist but had no role in any studies that were analyzed.

5. She already gets regular visits from a chiropractor, a masseuse and an acupuncturist.