ad hoc

ad hoc [ˌæd ˈhɒk]  [ˌæd ˈhɑ:k] 

ad hoc 基本解释

形容词特设的; 特别的; 临时的


ad hoc 网络解释


1. 特别的:在缺乏统一的国际破产规则情形下,国际银行破产法律冲突一般是通过有关当局在实践基础上进行双边合作或法律礼让来解决,然而在存在两个或多个适用明显不同的法律制度的破产程序同时开始的情况下,上述特别的(Ad hoc) 解决方法可能是不够的,

2. 特别:帮助主管完善应收账款处理流程及信用控制管理,有良好的问题解决能力和工作计划能力;-协助主管完成与应收账款、销售收入相关的特别(ad hoc)项目;-需参加公司组织的ISO9001、FSC、EHS基本知识及相关程序、工作指引的培训,

3. 临时的:即时通讯(IM)是透过近乎是即时的传送和接收网络讯息,来进行临时的(ad hoc)和现场实况播送(live)的电子通讯模式1,随著ICQ2和MSN Messaenger3等通讯工具的出一般而言,用户需要下载和安装IM 客户端(client)在其电子设备(可以是桌上型电脑、是由服务提供者控制的,

ad hoc 词典解释

1. ad hoc

1. (形势所需而)临时安排的,特别的,专门的
    An ad hoc activity or organization is done or formed only because a situation has made it necessary and is not planned in advance.

    e.g. The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems.
    e.g. hoc committees to examine specific problems.

ad hoc 单语例句

1. Sharon has failed so far to forge an ad hoc majority to defeat Likud rebels and religious rightists bent on forcing early elections.


2. Ad hoc explanations neatly accommodate apparent contradictions such as the fact that the assailants came from different economic classes.

3. Tao does not mind the paltry compensation for the work with the Ad Hoc Division.

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4. But history shows such ad hoc, individual attempts can as easily be deadly as they can be duds.

5. To fight fake products sold on its website, the company has injected 100 million yuan for an ad hoc campaign.

6. Advisers to an ad hoc bondholder group said they were reviewing GM's plan and awaiting details of the UAW agreement.

7. The HA yesterday held a plenary meeting to discuss the report on the review of public housing rent by an internal ad hoc committee.

8. Men tend to buy clothes in an ad hoc sort of way, which means items are often bought in isolation.

9. The US financial rescue plans laid out so far have been ad hoc and less effective than many had hoped.

10. Despite the positive findings, the researchers do not advocate the ad hoc consumption of yellow green peas.

ad hoc 英英释义

ad hoc


1. for or concerned with one specific purpose

    e.g. a coordinated policy instead of ad hoc decisions

2. often improvised or impromptu

    e.g. an ad hoc committee meeting


1. for one specific case

    e.g. they were appointed ad hoc