1. 傻瓜:addled 腐坏的 | addlehead 傻瓜 | addlepate 傻瓜
2. 傻瓜, 糊涂虫:addled || 腐坏的, 混乱的 | addlehead || 傻瓜, 糊涂虫 | addlepated || 头脑糊涂的, 愚蠢的, 怪僻的
1. A client should buy the root of bidentate achyranthes and gallinaceous ungual the rhizome of Chinese goldthread, that son is addlehead, do not know medical name, look for bamboo bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase (the appliance that fills a medicinal material) also do not search, chop next him farm cattle a foot and carry out of two chicken foot give that guest.
2. The addlehead's henchman living in the woods with all those filthy beasts.
1. a person with confused ideas
incapable of serious thought
Synonym: addle-head loon birdbrain