
adieu [əˈdju:]  [əˈdu:]


adieu 基本解释




adieu 网络解释

1. 再见:倒是车手们在前一个1级坡(the Col de Romme)的蹂躏之后, 能够在第一时间来到这一段的大概也寥寥无几了, 预估就算是黄衫主集团里的车手也没剩几个了. 评论者最后说, 如果任何车手会觉得在这一站状况不好, 他应该会向心中所期望的环法总冠军说再见(adieu)了,

2. 永别了:a bient t!后会有期 | adieu.永别了 | je m'en vais.我走了

3. 再会:adhere 附着;固守 | adieu 再会 | adjacent 接近的

adieu 词典解释

1. 同goodbye
    Adieu means the same as goodbye .

    e.g. 'Gentlemen, I bid you adieu.'

adieu 单语例句

1. adieu

1. Only then can China bid smooth adieu to the era of cheap labor.

2. adieu

2. And they should have the determination to cut down smoking resolutely and be willing to bid adieu to their long practiced culture.

3. So without further adieu I will share with you the top three things that bring a frown and a smile to my face.

4. When the sunlight is getting warmer and the cold wind turning breeze, we know that the winter is bidding us adieu.

5. Having completed her duty, she returned to the boy and bid him the final adieu.

adieu 英英释义


1. a farewell remark

    e.g. they said their good-byes

    Synonym: adios arrivederci auf wiedersehen au revoir bye bye-bye cheerio good-by goodby good-bye goodbye good day sayonara so long