
ADIOS 基本解释

abbr.Automatic Digital Input Output System 自动数字输入输出系统

ADIOS 网络解释

1. 再见:这支德国工业摇滚乐队在枪击案的调查过程中也曾受到质疑,因为警方在哈里斯的网站上发现了KMFDM的歌词,而枪击当天,恰巧也是KMFDM的新专辑<<再见>>(Adios)的发售日.

2. 离别/一路平安.汶巴拉外:77 Can't go home again, baby 再也回不了家了宝贝.天津町地下 | 78 adios 离别/一路平安.汶巴拉外 | 79 The Great 雄伟.洛阳背景音乐

3. 离别/一路平安:77 Can't go home again, baby 再也回不了家了,宝贝 | 78 adios 离别/一路平安 | 79 The Great 雄伟

4. 一路平安:18 阿曲奥斯.莫查乔斯 ADIOS MUCHACEOS | 19 一路平安 ADIOS | 20 夏美妮 CHARMAINE

5. adios:adiabatic inflow outflow solutions; 绝热内流外流模型

6. adios:automatic digital input/output system; 自动数字输入/输出系统

7. adios:analog to digital input/output system; 模拟-数字输入/输出系统

8. adios:automatic diagnosing input/output system; 自动诊断输入/输出系统

ADIOS 双语例句


1. If you step out in front of a car like that again, it`s adios muchachos.


2. I said Adios, I Had to say goodbye and this little rap is to tell my Fans why.

3. That's what I thought. Adios, amigos.

4. He says Adios, says Adios, and do you know whyshe won`t break down and cry?

5. Bidding adios to this amigo will be difficult.

6. Adios my friend.

7. She says Adios, says Adios, Goodbye.

8. We gotta adios out of here, partner!

9. Don't say Adios, say Adios, Goodbye.

10. Several of them said " adios " as they exited.

ADIOS 单语例句


1. And he couldn't resist taking a final swipe at Capello before saying'adios'to the Spanish capital.