
adoring [əˈdɔ:rɪŋ] [əˈdɔ:riŋ] 







adoring 基本解释


形容词崇拜的; 爱慕的; 敬慕的

动词崇拜; 爱慕(adore的现在分词)

adoring 网络解释


1. 崇拜的:adorer 爱慕者 | adoring 崇拜的 | adoringly 崇拜地

2. 敬慕的:adoring 崇拜的 | adoring 敬慕的 | adoringly 崇拜着

3. 崇拜的,敬重的:64. toad 癞蛤蟆,讨厌的人 | 67. adoring 崇拜的,敬重的 | 68.pitchfork长柄叉

4. 崇拜的, 敬慕的:adorer || 爱慕者, 崇拜者 | adoring || 崇拜的, 敬慕的 | adoringly || 崇拜地, 敬慕地

adoring 词典解释

1. 热爱的;爱慕的;敬慕的;崇拜的
    An adoring person is someone who loves and admires another person very much.

    e.g. She can still pull in adoring audiences.

...gazing adoringly at him.
adoring 单语例句

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1. Hotels lend their lobbies to adorable choir children and their adoring parents for holiday carols.

2. Despite being under the microscope, her adoring fans cheered for her and the success of the United States team.

3. No bush is without its giggling girl posing amid the blossoms as the lens of her adoring boyfriend drinks in her beauty.

4. The studio backed down, empowering Jackson and adoring online fans to complain that the film was not violent enough.

5. He was eventually substituted to loud cheers from the adoring fans after 75 minutes, clapping hands above his head in appreciation.

6. Maradona was an enormous celebrity when he lived in Naples, where adoring fans opened a museum to honour him.

7. Obama said he still remembers the rally he held in Berlin as a presidential candidate, which drew adoring throngs.

8. Gong Li's appearance at the Beijing premiere on Monday created a media circus and won over her many adoring fans.

9. And London's staid Gielgud Theatre was besieged every night at previews by adoring teenage fans of Radcliffe.

10. When the players arrived for the China Open, they were swamped by adoring fans that threatened life and limb.

adoring 英英释义


1. extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent

    e.g. adoring grandparents
           deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain
           hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother

    Synonym: doting fond

2. showing adoration

    Synonym: worshipful