
adroit [əˈdrɔɪt]  [əˈdrɔɪt] 

adroit 基本解释


形容词熟练的,机敏的; 机巧; 一把好手

adroit 网络解释

1. 灵敏的:32如果某个人在行为时没有达到一个勤勉的、注意的、谨慎的和灵敏的(adroit)人所能达到的标准,即有过错. 在此种情况下,人们并不考虑所有人所特有的行为模式,不考虑他们的年龄、性别、身体素质(forcephysique)以及社会地位等等.

2. 灵巧的,机敏的:adaptable 适应性强的 | adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 | aggressive 有进取心的

3. 熟练的:adrip 湿的 | adroit 熟练的 | adroitly 熟练地

4. 灵巧的:16.unhealed:未愈合的 | 17.adroit:灵巧的 | 18.anus:肛门

adroit 词典解释

1. 机敏的;聪明的;精干的
    Someone who is adroit is quick and skilful in their thoughts, behaviour, or actions.

    e.g. She is a remarkably adroit and determined politician.

He drove adroitly.
He governed with an adroitness that gained him the nickname 'the old fox'.
adroit 单语例句

1. adroit的意思

1. His Majesty has always been as physically active as he has been mentally adroit.

2. But he was not so adroit on wheels and crashed into a wall and fell, making him an easy catch for the guard.

3. It will have to become just as adroit as Apple in marketing them.

adroit 英英释义


1. quick or skillful or adept in action or thought

    e.g. an exceptionally adroit pianist
           an adroit technician
           his adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers
           an adroit negotiator