






adventured 双语例句

1. No man of any honest degree would have adventured his life and his goods among them.

2. Mr. Li adventured his opinion at the meeting yesterday.

3. For my father fought for you, and adventured his life far, and delivered you out of the hand of Midian
    9:17 从前我父冒死为你们争战,救了你们脱离米甸人的手。

4. The band adventured together successfully for many years, and spawned many tales in their adventures around the region.

5. Mark traveled over all his life and the experience he adventured at abroad are the materials of his some writings.

6. And here he was, in the midst of all this, the only one of all the comrades he had adventured with who could have made themselves eligible for the inside of the Morse home.


7. Those explorers adventured on some unknown seas.

8. The group has adventured as far as the Austrian alps.

9. Too much pain i have adventured.